Buck Hill Ski Racing Team

“Cultivating a Culture of Success, Performance and High Standards”

The Buck Hill Ski Racing Team is a performance driven program backed by exceptional coaching, a culture of achievement and organizational collaboration to provide best in class training, coaching and support to develop top-level athletes competing at the regional, national, and international level.

The Buck Hill Ski Racing Team focuses on inspiring and empowering athletes through the creation of a positive and enthusiastic training environment while focusing on fundamentals and skill development to build the foundation for success. The Program is led by some of the most experienced, dedicated, and successful coaches in the country who have developed into some of the best athletes in the nation.

FIS Program

FIS | Year of Birth 2004-2008|Program Pipeline

  • Regional/Divisional USSS FIS racing
  • Championship series and events


Registration Requirements

  • FIS Program Application Process
  • USSS and FIS license
  • Region 1 license
  • Buck Hill Season Pass


Who Program Is For:

  • Competitive minded athlete with the goal of advancing their skiing to the highest level possible (national, college and beyond).
  • Leadership and goal-oriented athlete adding value to a Training Group of athletes.
  • Training Group focused on athlete competition and supporting their peers.
  • Competitive athletes moving up from the U16 group who qualified for R/C Champs and U16 Nationals.
  • Athlete goals of competing at the Region, Division and National FIS level
    • FIS Mid-Am Series
    • FIS R/C Development Series
    • R/C Qualifiers SL/GS
    • National Championships
  • Qualifying for U18/SR Nationals and NTG (National Training Group) Projects
  • Regular attendance is mandatory (85% attendance record minimum)
  • Significant USSS and/or FIS racing experience


Who Program is Not For:

  • Irregular attendance including dryland/on-snow training projects
  • Prioritizing HS training and racing schedules over competitive and development benefits of participating in their FIS Training Group during training and racing events.
  • Athletes not aspiring to achieve their highest level of competition and participate in a performance driven Training Group.


Program Focus and Schedule:
Dedicated full time Head Coach

Performance Dryland Program Enrollment

Fall Dryland Program
Up to 5 days On Snow Training Per Week
Supplemental training on steeper terrain
Coaching support at divisional USSS and FIS races
Coaching support at team scheduled Out of Division races
5 day Christmas camp
Training group and pace athlete focus

Facilities and Training Environment

  • Private training hill and high-speed lift
  • Training with NO lift lines
  • Full support from hill management to maintain best in class snow, training facilities and program support
  • Extended training season beyond hill opening and closing dates


Additional Programming Benefits:
Performance Dryland Program Focus
Equipment evaluations, selection, and fine tuning

Goal meetings and athlete schedule planning

Annual training plans/schedules for the Training Group

Priority registration for all Training Projects

U18-21 USSS Program

U18-21 | Year of Birth 2004-2008

  • Program Pipeline
  • Regional USSS racing
  • Selective Divisional racing


Registration Requirements

  • USSS license
  • Region 1 license
  • Buck Hill Season Pass


Who Program Is For:

  • Prioritized USSS Regional racing schedule and selective Region 1 FIS races
  • Regular on snow schedule training at Buck Hill
  • Athletes not traveling Out of Division
  • Local training schedule
  • Attending limited number of Out of Division Camps/Projects


Program Includes:
Fall dryland program
Up to 5 days of training per week
Supplemental training projects on steeper terrain
Coaching support at region and divisional USSA and championship events
Coaching support at team schedule Region 1 races

Coaching support at Division level races (extra fees $100 per series)

Christmas Camp at Buck Hill


Facilities and Training Environment

Private training hill and high-speed lift

Training with NO lift lines

Full support from hill management to maintain best in class snow, training facilities and program support

Extended training season beyond hill opening and closing dates